About From Now On

Hi there!

I am so excited you decided to check out my new site! I've been working for some time now to provide a way for people to join the movement and represent their faith! This is not just a "name it and claim it" statement, it's a statement that causes you to take action in your life.  

Let me share with you what FROM NOW ON... represents.

From Now On…® represents several things:
It is that point in your life when you put a command on your situation and declare a continuous blessing! From Now On...® is a prophetic statement used to edify your life and what is to come in your life.
It is a representation of HOPE.
It is a MOVEMENT!! A positive movement that will provide encouragement, inspiration, hope and excitement in your personal and professional life.
From Now On…® is when your season shifts from ordinary to extraordinary.  It’s where change happens.  It is when you are stationed in a position of favor in your life and you realize that your God-given gifts, talents, skills and abilities are meant for you to have an impact in (on) the world.  It is a season of promise.  It is when you determine in your mind that defeat is NOT an option for (in) your life.  The ellipsis (…) after the statement reminds us that there is more to come.  More prosperity, more happiness, more joy, more great relationships, more promise and more fulfillment.
In scripture, Daniel prays for interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and God reveals the dream and the interpretation to Daniel.  It talks about how God changes the times and the seasons; how God removes kings and raises up kings. It is YOUR SEASON!
From Now On…® represents living NOW how you want your future to be.  It is when you stop living in your past; it is when you decide, for yourself, that from this point forward, I will declare and proclaim a positive season of change in my life.  The Word says He “changes the times and the seasons”.  So I have faith to believe that He will bless me with a season of prosperity in my career, in my relationships, in my spiritual growth, in my finances, with my health, and in my home–beyond what I can see (remember: you have to see it, before you see it).
Take a minute to elevate your thinking.  See beyond where you are now; allow your faith to take you where you desire to be.  NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  I have made positive declarations towards my future—and so can you.